Layoffs are no fun.

We understand that this can be a challenging time, and we're here to help you navigate the next steps.

Even though it may feel like life has thrown a massive wrench in your plans, you have a valuable opportunity to optimize your financial future!

After your service time is over, your 401k balance can often be rolled over to an individual IRA, enabling you to potentially reduce costs and gain greater control over diversification and investment options in your retirement savings vehicle.

We specialize in assisting individuals just like you during life transitions. We aim to provide informative and sensitive guidance to help you make the most of this opportunity, ensuring a secure financial future.

Take the first step by scheduling your FREE 30-minute consultation meeting!

Are your investments aligned with your risk tolerance?

Take our risk tolerance questionnaire and receive your free risk score and report!

Whether you schedule a meeting with us or not, this personalized risk score report will give you unique talking points and questions to ask your financial planner!

Who is 310 Wealth Planning?

We are a father/son financial planning team located in southwest Michigan. We believe in the power of relationships, and therefore aim to build our financial planning practice through relationships and service rather than through social media and blog posts.

We .are a fee-only financial planning firm that does exactly that. Planning. We don’t sell any commissions or products. Our goal is to help you reach yours. Plain and simple.

Want to learn more about how we can help you reach your financial goals? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation call or take our risk tolerance questionnaire to receive your free pdf complete with your personalize risk tolerance score!